We're very pleased with this title sequence. It has a great 70's lowbudget horror feel to it.
The background footage was filmed at the Vindolanda Roman remains in Northumberland.
It's not really Egypt....it's India!!! How about that! International Location shooting for a Lego® movie!
Shot by our second unit cameraman Chi Mason. It's true!
Yes, here's the Egyptian Lego® pieces which started this whole thing, and caused the largest continuity error we've ever made! (which is saying something!).
Is it snowing in Egypt??!!? in a European-style graveyard?? Or is there just a VERY long tunnel out of that tomb??
We may neverknowcare.
All the rotascoped lightning was animated (in a matter of minutes) by Tony, and looks as good as some far more expensive 80's Hollywood electricity!
This evil face is actually an animation I did ages ago of a clay cliff on a beach...sculpting it into a face frame by frame. I like the 19thcentury-style spinny effect Tony's added!
A lovely Egyptian winter scene. Hmm...maybe we shouldn't have mentioned the snow...you might have assumed it to be sand...
More rotascoped effect by Tony. Nearly subliminal, especially in the online version.
Ahh...we're so pleased with this film!
Quality Lego®person prostheic effect! No zombie movie would be complete without an Evil Dead referencing spade related head injury.
Check out the zombie in the background getting his head blown off! I forgot I animated that! You hardly notice it, coz of Jason's startling attack in the foreground!
Details...texture...that's what good filmmaking's all about!
Amazing how closely Tony's hastily scribbled electricity resembles the actual lovely 80's rotoscoped effects from the end of Hellraiser!!
Click on this one for a bigger version...dunno why...also, go to the page of more pics and info on this Pinhead minifig wot I made and am so proud of.
This website and the movies on it are all © Tim Drage and Tony Mines/Spite Your Face Productions 2001