(Pictures with more 'making of' info here.)I can't remember why we decided to make a LEGO® horror movie, but some time in 1999 myself, Tim Drage, and my friend and partner in Lego® crime Tony Mines, did. I think we were inspired mainly by the aquisition of a Lego® skeleton figure and by the increasing levels of violence and evil in the supposedly war-toy-free Lego® range. So we customised some minifigs, built a rudimentary graveyard from plasticine and card, and using my trusty Super-8 Cine camera and some lovely monochrome stock I had recently purchased, began filming indiscriminitely. We had some vague semblance of a plot in which explorers discover an ancient thingy which makes the dead rise from their graves, followed by random violence and intertextual references. It's quite a broad and vague parody encompassing horror genres including silent movies, 60's-70's indie horror, 80's gore, and 90's stupididy. We hope you enjoy it!
We shot various footage intermittently whenever we got round to it, and in August 2000 we finally managed to edit together something loosely resembling a film...or at least the beginning of one.
To be continued...eventually, when we get round to it. We have more footage waiting, lots of custom Lego®men who've not yet appeared, and lots of plot which will be irrelevent gibberish. So, sooner or later...more! But in the mean time, just watch it! (the film that is...I wasn't threatening you.)Interesting (?) facts (?):
Questions, comments, praise, insults, commissions,
- We cannot begin to explain why the film simultaniously appears to be set in Egypt and a snowy graveyard.
- The title comes from when we were all watching Peter Jackson's astonishing "Brain Dead" (AKA 'Dead Alive;)... one of our number (me maybe??) proclaimed it to be 'All of the Dead!'
- Chi did our graphic design for the titlecards/credits.
- Live action scenic Super-8 footage shot by myself near Hadrian's Wall, and my good friend Chi in India was utilised for establishing shots... breaking the boundries of Lego® cinema!
- Some of the film is shot on Kodak B/W stock, the rest on LOVELY Ukranian film purchased at a stunningly low price from the Widescreen Centre!
- BIG THANKS to Peter Brook for tele-cineing this and all my other S-8!!!
- Captured, edited and output to video utilising to my lovely MiroMotion+ card!! Yes, it's avaliable on VHS, but No, it's not coz I can't be bothered to make you a copy. So there.*
- My custom Pinhead minifig has now been signed by Doug Bradley, Pinhead himself! Film at 11.
- There's some really crummy focusing in the film, for which we have no excuse other than 'Who cares!!!???'.
- The animation was shot @ 18 frames per second, but the online movie is only 15fps, and plus it will probably play back dodgy, coz computers are stoopid..... but it really looks quite smooth on our proper full screen video version. So there.
- several other Lego® movie pages and other Lego® sillyness can be found on my Lego® Links page.
lawsuits, etc to:
tim@spiteyourface.com or tony@spiteyourface.com
Alternatively sign the guestbook and let the world know what you think of us.Well....go and download + watch the film now! Please.
or go back to the index. Whatever.
or you could even go to our main Lego® index and see what other bizzare creations we have come up with!
Or better still, go to Cultivate Twiddle, the main page of all my surreal stuff!
Alternatively, visit Spite Your Face Productions for more of our films. (Spite Your Face is our new name, we used to be called 'Underpendent Films')* Well, mabye if you ask nicely, trade something, pay costs, or want a showreel for animation/film industry purposes!
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or the 'All of the Dead' movie.This website and the movies on it are all © Tim Drage and Tony Mines/Spite Your Face Productions 2001